
Hi Everyone!!

Sorry about the late post (our lead site suffered a serious error….). Almost to 100% now though, so lets rock!!

So on now with the the serious sarcasm…..

We usually go on about the weather, the bad coffee, the flies, and other crap that we could be bothered writing about.  However….. today was an exception….. aside from the bad coffee and flies…..

Best weather I have ever seen at Collingrove!!!  What a Friggin  amazing day!!! Perfect weather for the hillclimb and chemical tans!!  It was a good day to shoot though….. Nice and cool (good for the cars), yet plenty of sun (good for the skin :-/).  In all seriousness though,  it  was an amazing day to take photos while standing in wet grass and sheep shit…..  Please enjoy as always!!!!!


Justin & Craig!

Collingrove Hillclimb State Championships 2013